April 19, 2010
Querida Familia.
Well it’s been a great, spiritual week here in Sogamoso. We had interviews with President Hacking, some cool experiences and stake conference in our chapel.
We have been trying to do weekly fasts to get more of the spirit and for specific things to do for us and our investigators. This week it was very cool. I have gained a strong testimony of fasting and prayer and the spirit they can bring when you do them right. We had interviews with the president and we started fasting the day before, especially for our investigators. We got to the interviews with a very good spirit and they were great. President Hacking first talked to us together and then each one alone. Things have been good with my companion. President complimented me in the Interviews and really expressed confidence in me. He was so positive and told me he really trusted me and was thankful for what I was doing. It really is nice to have someone like your mission president be so supportive and encouraging. He is such a good man. It’s humbling and makes me want to improve.
The Stake Conference was in our chapel which was a great chance to invite friends and investigators. Unfortunately the Lopez family, who we committed to baptism all missed except one daughter. We have been very clear with them about the Sabbath Day and about gaining a testimony and they keep saying "of course, sure we want to go" We even had a very spiritual lesson with them and the mom admitted that she felt a special warm feeling but once again something "came up" on Sunday. I think we will teach them this week and let them know that we want to help them with all our heart, but it’s so important for them to keep commitments.
There were however a few surprises, like an investigator who he had stopped teaching a while ago that finally came and really liked it. Also we had a little miracle this week. We got permission to do a sporting activity and invited one of our investigators, who plays basketball, and his team to come and play at the church. Unfortunately it rained all day and they didn’t come. On our way back to the house we realized that Elder R had left the keys inside and we have no spares. We went downstairs (we live on the 3d floor) to see if we could find the owner or anything. A lady walked by on her way out and said, Hi Elders. We asked if she knew how we could get a key or anything and she said that they were on their way to the plaza where there was a locksmith and that we could go with them. As we were walking we asked who she was etc and how she knew the Elders. Turns out that all her kids are baptized and she and her husband at one time were going to get baptized but they couldn’t work out the papers for him to be legally separated from his first wife and for the 2 to get married. They said that they finally got it organized but by that time the missionaries had already stopped coming and they lost contact with the church. They were excited to talk to us and we are now going to visit them (probably today) and start teaching them again. All because we just happened to do a sporting activity that day, we got rained out, and forgot the keys. Otherwise we would have had no idea... and they live on the floor below us. The Lord really puts people in your path and prepares the way if you are ready.
Well everything else is going great here. Don’t worry mom we are eating well and I take lots of pictures. Elder Soria is a really good cook so we often get together as a district and cook etc. It has rained every day for about 2 weeks now and we both left our umbrellas at members houses so the weather has been a challenge but we are doing the best we can and are excited to start another 6 weeks. I spent some time today setting some goals for the transfer as far as studying and other stuff like service and ways to improve in teaching and efficiency etc.
Today for P day we went to the Coliseum here and watched a few girls basketball games (supposedly our investigator Jordy was going to play but there were only girls teams). If you think 9th grade girls are bad at basketball in the US you should see them here haha just kidding. But it was at least nice to hear the sounds of a gym etc. Well fam all is great; I can’t believe they already have my plane tickets! Much love and till next time, Elder Barnard
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