Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

December 28, 2009
Hola fam,
It was another good week here in Barranca. It was very nice to talk to everyone and see y'all on the webcam also. I was actually a little surprised because everyone looks about the same (except the kids who have all grown a TON). Although it was very nice to talk to everyone I felt awkward trying to talk well. It’s a lot easier to write things in English and I can see how the RMs feel when they get back and can barely give their homecoming talk. (Will has a really cute accent when he speaks in English now).
Buuut anyway it has been another good week, we have found a few more good investigators and had a good Christmas and Christmas eve. For Christmas eve we got together with the other Elders and some members in the other branch and made a big old, mostly American style Christmas dinner. We had a load of mashed taters ‘n gravy, some stuffed chicken, brownies and ice cream. We ate and chatted with the members until the missionary curfew (9 30) and then headed to the apartment. The other Elders came to stay the night there so it was the 6 of us. We talked and hung around and then read the Christmas story from the Bible like a good family and opened our stockings from Mom. The Elders were mostly excited to eat all the chocolates and mom’s caramels were a big hit. Then we watched a few Christmas eve fireworks and got to bed.

Christmas morning we got up and went over to David and Shirleys because Elder Williams had other presents there for us.. Apparently, he has a really rich uncle so he sent us all remote control cars. Haha not exactly the usual missionary gift but we had a great time driving them around outside their house and chasing a few dogs away. We actually spent most of the day with them just talking about Christmas traditions etc. We left in the afternoon to do some visits but found absolutely no one the whole night so we ended up buying some frozen yogurt and heading back to plan. My companion and I set some really good goals to make sure we start off the year great and accomplish as much as possible.

Sunday was a very good day for the branch. We got there early and first thing a sister who had been inactive requested an interview. The Lord is blessing me incredibly and with his help I have been able to do the things I have been asked. Sunday meetings went very well. We had 50 people in church this time which is the most we have had since our first week and I can see the members gaining excitement for the work here. Just the simple act of having someone who greets them or talks to them about their life makes such a difference and we really are starting to gain the confidence of the members. In sacrament meeting I was asked to bless a baby... which I had no idea how to do, but I pulled out my faithful missionary handbook, followed the instructions and it went well. Also 2 kids advanced in the priesthood so I announced it in sacrament meeting and then ordained them in the second class. We also talked and prayed and decided who to call as the ward mission leader so I extended the call to him and we will set him apart next week. We will be re-organizing some of the auxiliaries during the next few weeks which will give some more people the chance to serve and have part in the branch. I’ve been advancing in the Leaders Manual that has all the little details and learning lots about how the church runs. I’ve got MLS (the church computer program) figured out which also is a big help and I am working on making lists with each neighborhood and all of the members that live there to start visiting them. I can also use these lists for home teaching etc. In less words, we’ve had lots to do in our little branch and we are very excited at the way things look to be going.
We don’t have as much time in the day as I would like. The missionary side is still a little difficult but we have some very good potential investigators and we have lots of ideas to do activities etc to find more. In the end our job is to help get brother B ready to be the man and run the ship. He is a great guy. His family is very, very humble but they always have us over for lunch on Sundays. He is at church every Sunday at 8 o clock to open up and make sure everything is ready. He has been a member for only 2 years and is learning so much. He and his wife are preparing to go to the temple and be sealed in January so we are encouraging them and I’m very happy for them.

Today was a nice lazy relaxing Pday. We basically just sat around and talked with Elder Jimenez and Zari. For lunch I made up the mashed potatoes and stuffing etc. that you sent. It turned out very well and it was the first time the others had eaten stuffing and they really liked it. I’m not sure what the plans will be for New Years but I am ready to get the holidays over with so we can get rid of the distractions and really get things going with the investigators.

BTW Dad that experience was amazing, I hope someday I can have something like that happen. Imagine the generations who will be members of the church and have the gospel because of that couple and the fact that you got to meet them. Amazing. (Will is referring to an experience that his Dad had in Calgary while visiting Will’s sister and son-in-law. He served a mission there years ago. This insert is how Will’s Dad described the experience).
“I hope this little miracle will help you see the big picture. In church yesterday
as the First Councilor announced the program I realized that the final speaker was a man I knew. I taught and baptized him and his wife years ago. I hadn't talked to him in all that time. Turns out they have 8 children that are spread all over the US and Canada. They are active and happy and successful and he gave a great talk. Mom and I went up to meet him after and he hugged me and thanked me. We are going out to dinner and get the whole story. Of course their life has been theirs and they have done what they have done, but at least when my small part was to be played, I was there. It is a very good feeling. Now I am wondering about the other families and individuals that I worked with. But anyway, someday you will be able to look back and see that you were there and you did your part and it was good.”

I can’t believe I am going to start the last calendar year of my mission. I sometimes wish time would slow down but we learn as we go and I’m learning every day. I hope I’ve been able to progress and improve. I have gained a much stronger testimony and I know that we are in the truth. I wish more people would realize faster but if it were easy it wouldn’t be so good. Hope everyone has a happy new year and enjoys all the great things we have. 2010 should be awesome. TTY next week. Love Elder Barnard

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