Saturday, April 4, 2009

Elder Jed DeCamp

Here is some news on Elder Jed DeCamp, a good friend of Will's. He is serving in Philadelphia right now. Isn't it fun to see these boys grow and serve so valiantly. I love to see their pictures. What amazing experiences they are having. We love you guys.

If anyone else has any news, please leave a comment.

Hi my family!
Well Dad, I think I am feeling a portion of what you felt as you were called to be bishop... ok maybe not quite lol, but President has given me an extrememly tough assignment. I have been transfered into a new area called "Ridley Park". It's the suburbs and Broomall is in my area. I'm in the Broomall 1st ward. So yes it's going to be interesting to adjust to the suburbs, but thats not the tough part of my assignment. I will also be training a brand new missionary. When President called me Sunday night and told me my assignment, I was pretty scared lol cuz usually when you train, it's in an area you have been in for a while, but now I have to learn a new area all by myself and train my new greeny lol. So wish me luck haha. My new address is 740 E Chester Pike Apt. E Ridley Park, PA 19078. So far, this is only my second day in the area. I do have a car and my area is about 10 times as big as my last area. I'm not sure if you are familiar with Andy Reed (the Eagles coach) but he is in my ward apparently, cool huh. I'll let ya know if I meet him. We also have a baptism coming up this weekend. I just met her the other night. her name is Maggie and she seems very solid. So it's lucky that we have an awesome missionary minded ward, because I've never had a baptism before and there is a lot that has to be done. I'll let you know how that goes as well. So my new greeny's is from Huntington Utah. He was home schooled and was also on a fire fighting squad. Cool huh? He's working very hard on his social skills since he didn't have the opportunity to meet alot of people since he was home schooled. He has a great attitude and is willing to work, which is all that matters. I'll be leaving my "comfort zone" alot these next few weeks lol.
So as far as the new apostle goes, I think it will be Elder Tingey. I have no idea though lol.
Oh I did get the package ya sent and thank you very much! So if you havent sent the last package yet, make sure you don't send any more candy haha People give us so much junk food! But granola bars and nuts are great! Oh and also there are a couple cd's i really like. They are both by "motab". One is called "Praise to the Man", the other is called " Love is spoken here" i think. But no worries about gettin those to me. So life sounds like it's goin great in Evanston.
It's weird to think that Evanston High School still exists lol. But i just want you to know how much I love you all and i can honestly say that the greatest desire of my heart
is to live eternally with all of you and invite others to come as well.
Well, I love you very much!
See ya, Love ya, Bye!!!

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