Monday, January 26, 2009

Elder De Camp

Here are some pictures of one of Will's good friends, Elder Jed De Camp, who is in Philadelphia (inner city ghetto right now) on a mission. He left shortly after Will and loves his mission. It is wonderful how these boys from a town of 12,000 people in rural Wyoming have made such major adjustments and love wherever they are at.

Yikes!! He lives in an apartment in the inner city area. It looks a little rough there. They play basketball each Prep day with some gang type guys who look after and protect them throughout the week.

There must be a street or something named Wyoming. If there is anything within a 50 mile radius like that - well, you can count on a 19 year old Elder to find it.

Jed in front of his row house apartment.

Jed and Will

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! those boys look good! i havent seen a picture of jed at all yet since he left, and i've actually got one or two from will, but they look great. :D thats a good idea to do a little blog!
    -rachel :)
