November 30, 2009
Well it’s been another hot week here in Barranca. Unfortunately we are still living in the $22 a night hotel but we are not going to use that as an excuse to be less productive. This week was actually a very good week for us in the area. We dedicated ourselves, set some high goals and achieved almost all of them so I am feeling really good about the area. We gave surprise talks on Sunday in church; also we had a nice little Thanksgiving party and a Training session with all the church leaders of the district so it was a very good week.
By the suggestion of President Hacking, we fasted on Wednesday to be able to find a house or get the situation worked out. That same day, the counselor in the district presidency called and told us he found us a house. It was almost golden. It was in the perfect position between the two branches, it wasn’t with the renting agency that gave us so many problems but was a direct contract with a family who was moving out and it was cheaper. It wasn’t as nice as the hopefuls we had but it was enough and what we needed. We agreed with them we would have the contract by the next day and could be moving in today. We took all our papers, did the contract and just had to get the contract signed and emailed by a guy in the church offices in Bogotá. We emailed it in and it turned out that for some reason the guy wasn’t there for like 5 days. So in the end we couldn’t get it signed and they gave the house to different people… So “Pailas” as they say in Colombia (basically out of luck).
So we told president Hacking who is pretty tired of all this mess and he organized a meeting with the people from the church office today to see if we could get permission to look for … (I don’t know how to say it in English but its a person who signs that they will be responsible for the rent if the church can’t pay it). The general policy is that the church doesn’t do it but these rental agencies are sticklers for papers etc and they are requiring it. It was pretty ridiculous; we had some papers sent in about the Bogotá Temple just to show them that the church was a solid entity. It showed part of the payments to make the temple that summed up to about 9 million dollars. We took it (when I say we I mean the other missionaries because I was in my area) to them but the lady just said sorry but they needed people who could be responsible in case that we couldn’t pay. So I guess we will find out tonight what came out of Pres Hackings meeting but in the meantime we are stuck in the good old Hotel.
As far as the hotel we decided we weren’t going to let it be an excuse or reason to work less so we have been looking for ways to be more productive. One thing we have done is go to the church in the mornings to study there so that we can have tables etc. and a decent study area. Also, like I said this week we had high goals and we worked very hard and at least statistically we were able to reach them. We ended up with 10 lessons with a member present which is one of the highest I have had in any week of my mission. We also finished with 19 new investigators which is a record for my mission. The definition of New Investigator is someone who you teach for the first time and who accepts a specific date for you to return. The thing about Barranca is that you can find lots because they are very open but few really progress, so you have to be able to drop those that don’t and find the “Elect” who hear the Lords voice and don’t harden their hearts. Of these 19 people we were able to have 5 go to church and various others who couldn’t because of travel but promised to next week.
To make a long story short we got in contact with an investigator that I had in Bogotá a few months ago. We were teaching him and he even had a baptismal date but he happened to move to Barranca. Anyway one day he saw Elder Zara and called him over. They got his info and turns out that he lives in my area so last Monday we taught him and he committed to go to church again and was excited to be hearing the missionaries again. Sadly something happened and he didn’t show up but we have high hopes for him and with all the people we are finding I know some of them have to be elect. Like I said it’s tough but we want to help people gain a testimony of the church themselves so that they can be part of the building up here. But like dad used to say, we can’t chose what time we are given, but we can choose what we do with that time. So we just have to get our butts to work and get it done.
This week we got all the leadership together in the main chapel (Barranca has 2 house chapels and one real one) for a leadership training meeting by the missionaries. Each companionship took time to train about one subject and it turned out really well. It was such a blessing to be AP because I gained a lot of experience about doing such things. So we prepared a nice session about goals and got them involved and participating etc. and in the end I think they left very excited to put what we talked about in practice.
Also on Sunday the speakers weren’t there so as we were singing the sacrament hymn one of the young men ran back and told us they were asking us to speak. So I wrote down a few key points, took up my scriptures and talked for 12 minutes about prayer. I’ve learned that talks can be the same as lessons. You have an outline of what you want to talk about and you follow the spirit and look for ways to apply it to the listeners and keep them interested. In the end it turned out very well. Honestly I wouldn’t mind if we could speak every Sunday but I guess it’s good experience for all the members. So anyway this area definitely isn’t going to be easy to turn around but we hope to keep working hard and do just that.
Also this week was Thanksgiving as you know. There is a young couple here named David and Shirley (Great Spanish names right!) But anyway they love the missionaries so they help us out with everything and always invite us over for pday etc. We dedicated Thursday morning and lunch to do a little mini Thanksgiving with them. So Elder Williams and I hit up the grocery store and tried to find what we could to make a “Thanksgiving dinner.” David and Shirley got us some chicken (You can’t find much Turkey here) and for not knowing anything about cooking Elder Williams and I did a pretty good job of putting together the dinner. We made mashed potatoes and gravy, fruit salad and some corn. We were both surprised because it actually turned out good. Then we filled every body’s plates with mashed taters and gravy and corn, explained a little about why we celebrated Thanksgiving and then went around the circle and had everyone say what they were thankful for. It was a nice little emotional time. We really are incredibly blessed where we live.
In other random mission notes - I bought a harmonica a few weeks ago and I have been learning and figuring out a few songs in free time. I have realized here how cool it is to play instruments and be able to make music. I kick myself for fighting out of piano lessons and I have decided that when I finish I have to learn how to play piano and guitar.
Also today for Pday we went to a place that has a soccer /bball court that is covered and got some sports in with some of the young men. I wanted to play bball but we couldn’t find a pump so it was all soccer. I have actually grown to like soccer here and even watching it but as far as playing I am clueless. It is amazing how much you sweat here with all this heat and humidity so we were all drenched and after the losers (we won) had to buy pop for everyone so we enjoyed that.
All is going great with my son. He is funny. He has a good attitude and is always happy working. What I want to work on or help him learn is to be a leader, so I have to be reminding him to get himself ready etc. or else he just kind of wanders. I think it will come with time. He is awesome at Kung Fu and loves Asian culture and martial arts and is a great cook. His attitude is good and I’m glad he’s my son.
So anyway we’re off to start another week of work here. Hopefully we can fix this house situation but just the same we are going to work hard again this week and hopefully we can accomplish our goals and find the elect and help them find happiness and salvation. I love you all, I know the church is true and I know the book of Mormon is true, Have a good week and talk to ya next time. Elder B
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Veery Hot Here
November 23, 2009
Hola Mi Familia,
It’s been another week here in Barranca. We’ve been sweating like crazy but working hard and looking for new investigators. This week was pretty rough because we are still living in this hotel a long ways from our area. The whole situation is frustrating because we have to spend a lot of time filling out papers and running around etc. to get the new apartments. Because of this we weren’t able to get as much done as I hoped until Saturday. But we had a few good days of work and found some solid new investigators.
Right now we have a really good investigator named Eduarda. She is a teacher at a High School here and she was very impressed that at such a young age we would dedicate ourselves to being missionaries so she invited us to go talk to her class. On Tuesday the 6 of us went. Haha she also invited a guy who was preparing to be a catholic priest. The point was basically for the kids to see people living spiritual lives and accomplishing goals etc. So first the priest talked about the problems of drugs with adolescents and then although we didn’t prepare anything we talked about goals (having a vision for your life and how following what our Father wants us to do we can be blessed). Then we had a session of q and a and explained about the church etc. Another thing I realized even more is how blessed we are. This school was in bad condition and there were very few resources for the kids to learn from. But it was a cool experience all in all.
President Hacking came to do a training session with the leaders here and interview us. He told us that if we had to just drop our work and basically focus on getting somewhere to live until we were set then to do it. My interview went great. He said he knew I would be doing fine and just to keep up the good work. After he took us all out to eat greasy fried chicken which was great. All in all I am really frustrated because we have so much to do in our area and for a lot of the week we just didn’t get the chance to do what we really wanted to.
On Friday not much progress was being made so I myself started calling the secretaries of the apartment places etc. and going to the place where they rent houses to get things taken care of. We finally got all the papers in and sent off. Tomorrow they will tell us if we are approved, I really hope so. The thing is that they ask for 2 people who will pay the rent if the church fails to do so and asks for the churches bank record, which the church never shows to anyone. haha In the end they sent it in with some documents that show that we own chapels in Bucaramanga and here, so hopefully that’s enough for the person who approves to let us make the contract. If it works out we will live 4 in one house (Elder Williams, Mura, my companion and I) and the other 2 in a different one in their area. So until that all gets sorted out we are still in this hotel far away.
We did have the first English Class and Ward Home evening on Fri and Sat. There were about 11 people at the English Class and 14 on Saturday and we tried to make sure that they were spiritual and fun at the same time. In English Class I taught them how to use pronouns etc and then we learned the Head Shoulders Knees and toes song. For the family home evening, we talked about the Book of Mormon and watched one of the CES Videos. We did an activity where each group had to read a part from The B of M and act it out. In the end it turned out well and I think it will move us towards building unity.
This Sunday 41 people came to church (although many were late) and the reverence was improved (Pres Hacking talked about that at his meeting). We only had one investigator due to the frustrations of this week. We have been making an effort to congratulate anyone who participates and welcome them and get to know everyone there. The strength of the branch is the youth. We have a solid group of young men and a few young women who are very active and want to work with us.
On Sunday we split up and I took one young man, my comp the other, and went off to do contacts and look for new people. It turned out great and we were able to get lots of contacts and find some new good potential investigators. The kids are about to have their school vacations so I am going to try and get some little name tags and start putting them to work every day with us so we can double up and get lots of lessons with members present. This week we’re gonna do everything we can to work consistently in our area despite the living problems and hopefully the contract for the new apartments works out.
Another cool thing that happened, in Bogotá we had an investigator named Asned, a 20 something year old guy who went to church a few times and was getting ready to be baptized, but he moved to Barranca. The other day Elder Zari ran into him and got his info so I called him and he remembered me and we are going to meet him tonight at the church for a lesson. So hopefully he is still interested. Cool coincidence So anyway these last few weeks have been rough because we’re limited and it’s made us get a little off track but were gonna do the best we can and start to get things changing around here.
It has been ridiculously hot this week. I think one of satans tricks is to make it hotter after lunch. Here they give us huge lunches and going out into the steaming sun with a very full stomach is not always an easy thing and makes you veeeery tired. Haha I sweat like crazy, I have started taking around a clean sock to wipe my face all the time but we drink lots of water and I don’t think I am losing a lot of weight.
We really are incredibly blessed; sometimes this work is a sacrifice. But I really loved a talk by Elder Holland that talks about how the atonement was such a sacrifice and if we really want to be called disciples of Christ we should be ready and willing to pass through a few challenges ourselves. Haha so whenever I find myself hot ’n sweaty and thirsty even at night I just think about how one day I will enjoy cool nights with a sweatshirt on with my fam or friends in the future, doing things like listening to country music, drinking a root beer, going for a drive, or a movie or a basketball game, maybe even with snow again. Haha but I'm not complaining, it is all worth it.
I am very happy where I am and what I’m doing .I know I’m where I should be and I really love it. I hope I am progressing as much as I want to. I learn everyday and my testimony has grown incredibly. I really know that we have the truth, and in the end that is what brings happiness. But I have to go, much love, take care and I will talk to ya next week.
Hola Mi Familia,
It’s been another week here in Barranca. We’ve been sweating like crazy but working hard and looking for new investigators. This week was pretty rough because we are still living in this hotel a long ways from our area. The whole situation is frustrating because we have to spend a lot of time filling out papers and running around etc. to get the new apartments. Because of this we weren’t able to get as much done as I hoped until Saturday. But we had a few good days of work and found some solid new investigators.
Right now we have a really good investigator named Eduarda. She is a teacher at a High School here and she was very impressed that at such a young age we would dedicate ourselves to being missionaries so she invited us to go talk to her class. On Tuesday the 6 of us went. Haha she also invited a guy who was preparing to be a catholic priest. The point was basically for the kids to see people living spiritual lives and accomplishing goals etc. So first the priest talked about the problems of drugs with adolescents and then although we didn’t prepare anything we talked about goals (having a vision for your life and how following what our Father wants us to do we can be blessed). Then we had a session of q and a and explained about the church etc. Another thing I realized even more is how blessed we are. This school was in bad condition and there were very few resources for the kids to learn from. But it was a cool experience all in all.
President Hacking came to do a training session with the leaders here and interview us. He told us that if we had to just drop our work and basically focus on getting somewhere to live until we were set then to do it. My interview went great. He said he knew I would be doing fine and just to keep up the good work. After he took us all out to eat greasy fried chicken which was great. All in all I am really frustrated because we have so much to do in our area and for a lot of the week we just didn’t get the chance to do what we really wanted to.
On Friday not much progress was being made so I myself started calling the secretaries of the apartment places etc. and going to the place where they rent houses to get things taken care of. We finally got all the papers in and sent off. Tomorrow they will tell us if we are approved, I really hope so. The thing is that they ask for 2 people who will pay the rent if the church fails to do so and asks for the churches bank record, which the church never shows to anyone. haha In the end they sent it in with some documents that show that we own chapels in Bucaramanga and here, so hopefully that’s enough for the person who approves to let us make the contract. If it works out we will live 4 in one house (Elder Williams, Mura, my companion and I) and the other 2 in a different one in their area. So until that all gets sorted out we are still in this hotel far away.
We did have the first English Class and Ward Home evening on Fri and Sat. There were about 11 people at the English Class and 14 on Saturday and we tried to make sure that they were spiritual and fun at the same time. In English Class I taught them how to use pronouns etc and then we learned the Head Shoulders Knees and toes song. For the family home evening, we talked about the Book of Mormon and watched one of the CES Videos. We did an activity where each group had to read a part from The B of M and act it out. In the end it turned out well and I think it will move us towards building unity.
This Sunday 41 people came to church (although many were late) and the reverence was improved (Pres Hacking talked about that at his meeting). We only had one investigator due to the frustrations of this week. We have been making an effort to congratulate anyone who participates and welcome them and get to know everyone there. The strength of the branch is the youth. We have a solid group of young men and a few young women who are very active and want to work with us.
On Sunday we split up and I took one young man, my comp the other, and went off to do contacts and look for new people. It turned out great and we were able to get lots of contacts and find some new good potential investigators. The kids are about to have their school vacations so I am going to try and get some little name tags and start putting them to work every day with us so we can double up and get lots of lessons with members present. This week we’re gonna do everything we can to work consistently in our area despite the living problems and hopefully the contract for the new apartments works out.
Another cool thing that happened, in Bogotá we had an investigator named Asned, a 20 something year old guy who went to church a few times and was getting ready to be baptized, but he moved to Barranca. The other day Elder Zari ran into him and got his info so I called him and he remembered me and we are going to meet him tonight at the church for a lesson. So hopefully he is still interested. Cool coincidence So anyway these last few weeks have been rough because we’re limited and it’s made us get a little off track but were gonna do the best we can and start to get things changing around here.
It has been ridiculously hot this week. I think one of satans tricks is to make it hotter after lunch. Here they give us huge lunches and going out into the steaming sun with a very full stomach is not always an easy thing and makes you veeeery tired. Haha I sweat like crazy, I have started taking around a clean sock to wipe my face all the time but we drink lots of water and I don’t think I am losing a lot of weight.
We really are incredibly blessed; sometimes this work is a sacrifice. But I really loved a talk by Elder Holland that talks about how the atonement was such a sacrifice and if we really want to be called disciples of Christ we should be ready and willing to pass through a few challenges ourselves. Haha so whenever I find myself hot ’n sweaty and thirsty even at night I just think about how one day I will enjoy cool nights with a sweatshirt on with my fam or friends in the future, doing things like listening to country music, drinking a root beer, going for a drive, or a movie or a basketball game, maybe even with snow again. Haha but I'm not complaining, it is all worth it.
I am very happy where I am and what I’m doing .I know I’m where I should be and I really love it. I hope I am progressing as much as I want to. I learn everyday and my testimony has grown incredibly. I really know that we have the truth, and in the end that is what brings happiness. But I have to go, much love, take care and I will talk to ya next week.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
November 16, 2009

Querida Familia.
All is well in Barranca, it’s been a very interesting week here. My comp and I have been working very hard in the area and getting to know the branch etc. better every day. In our 2 Sundays we have had 53 and 40 people in the little church house, the branch is very weak but we have found some great members as well as some of the youth in the branch who are very faithful and strong in the church so we are using them a lot to help us teach etc. and help show us the area.
We worked very hard during the week and found 15 new investigators, had 12 who committed they would come to church and read the book of Mormon and when Sunday arrived, 1 showed up. I just need to remember that effort is success in this business and were gonna find the way to get these people to our church and strengthen this branch. It’s honestly a rough thing because you want people to come to church so bad so that they progress but I am almost afraid to let them see the church. Haha it would be easier if they could just know the missionaries, get baptized and then meet the other members. There is very little unity or friendship in the branch and the reverence has a lot to be desired.
But we are not here to look for problems, rather solutions. So we planned and announced Sunday that every Friday we will have English classes at the church and every other Saturday we will have branch activity nights to bring the members together, train them, help them become friends and help strengthen their testimonies.
This week President Hacking will be here to speak to the priesthood leaders of the district so hopefully that will help. Basically, there is a lot to do here, we’ve gotta make the church a place where people can feel the spirit and where there is love and at the same time bring new people in. No one said it would be easy, but we are going to do our best and enjoy it.
To make things better is our apartment. The rumor is that when they first rented it they never dedicated it, it has bad vibes. The water from the tap isn’t safe to drink and the entire week we have had on and off water. I have had to shower 2 days with a big bucket and a pitcher and we went 2 days without being able to flush the toilet or wash the dishes. So we were not able to follow the mission schedule.
We have been house hunting but they had a 4 day weekend so we can’t do anything until tomorrow. President Hacking called and we told him what was happening and he told us to get out. We got hotel rooms until we could finalize our new apartments. You don’t realize until you don’t have it just how much you can’t live without water. But President sent a good group of us here and we know it’s up to us to change things so we’ve just been doing the best we can and keep fighting.
Elder Williams and I could relate to driving around in our Chevy trucks and listening to country music. Haha he is a cool kid and we are the pioneer gringos here so we have been getting along great and it’s nice to relax and talk about sports or music etc. every once in a while.
This week it’s been in the 90’s most days, I actually feel like I am getting more used to the heat, honestly it just depends on your attitude. If you go out whining about how hot it is you will suffer but if you don’t worry about it, it’s just fine. The thing here is you really don’t ever get sun burnt. The humidity is the major drawback. There is no wind and the heat seems to come from the ground so you go under a tree or in shade and it doesn’t change haha. But Im doing fine, drinking lots of water and working hard.
My son is doing great. He hates sports even soccer and is a big time kung fu expert, so at least no one should mess with us. He has a good attitude and has no problems working hard. His only problem is that he loves Chile and compares every thing to Chile but we have been working on that and I’m sure he will get over it and get used to Colombia. He taught me how to make Chilean cheese empanadas so I will have to whip some up when I get home.
Moms Questions :
For laundry we rent a washer and hang up stuff on a line we have going across the apartment.
Every day here is short sleeve shirt and washable pants, I gave one pair to Elder Amador so I only have 2 left (possible Christmas present).
It doesn’t rain much honestly and I have yet to use my raincoat in the mission.
We have lunch every day except pday with members which is good and the food is similar to Bucaramanga. We have lots of stuff like Yucca and rice every day but I have no problems with the food. Breakfast is usually oatmeal or cereal or a sandwich.
Our area is humongous but we have been working in the part close to the chapel only, so we have only used a taxi twice so far.
It’s been all over the news that Chavez is telling Colombia to get ready for war and that the US is putting bases there to invade Venezuela and steal his oil. No one thinks he will do anything but he is buying tons of war stuff and they know he gives stuff to the farc which is no good but that’s life.
We all live in the same apartment but this week we should have our separate apartments finalized.
There are no bad mosquito problems. I could maybe use some insoles for one pair of my shoes.
For Christmas I think it'll be the same as last year as far as phone calls, maybe a day or two before.
The church is true. I’m out of time. I love you all. You’re in my prayers. I always want to remember that we are called to serve, not be served, and we are having a good time at it. Love Elder B
November 9, 2009
It is really hot here. Haha hola familia, it’s been a busy,busy week and I'm here settling in and working here in Barranca.
Last week we stayed around Bogotá until Thursday to help with the transfers because a big group was going home and a lot of work to do. Elder Zari and I were there helping with that. Elder Jimenez (a Zone Leader from Argentina) also stayed in his zone until Thursday to help show the new missionaries the area and my comp worked a few days in Bogotá so the 4 of us could go up together.
Everyone here in Barranca was changed except Elder Williams so we are all new here. We received the new missionaries at the office on Tuesday so I got to meet my son but I didn’t say anything to him about being his comp or anything.
We helped take trunkies to the airport so I got to say gbye to all of them and got to see Elder Corro off so it was cool. Thursday morning we got up early, met up at the office and headed to the Bus Terminal to catch a 9AM bus for Barranca. It was so sad to say goodbye to our converts and everyone after all the time I was there. It was definitely a cool experience and lots of memories and lessons learned but it was time to move on to another challenge.
My companion is named Elder Ravanales from Santiago Chile. His parents are converts so he has been a member all his life. He has a good heart and a good attitude. I think the whole week he heard everyone talk about how bad Barranca is etc. but I told him how excited I was to go there and how we were going to change things etc, and he was very excited and motivated. We got here at about 8:00 P.M. and Elder Williams and Mura were there with some young men to welcome us and get everything to the house in a few taxis. We were sure happy to see them. You could just feel the humidity right as we got off the bus and the heat, even at night. We got everything hauled up the stairs (4th floor apartment) and finished sweating like crazy. Then some members invited us to eat some pizza and talk for a while etc. Our house is a little outside the area to the south part of the city. We didn’t sleep well, (gotta get a little more used to the climate) all I put on my bed is the bottom sheet. We sleep with a fan on.
We got up, hit the park across the street for exercise and started our first day. It’s Elder Williams first time as DL so he is excited and working really hard. We had a mini district meeting and just talked about how we are going to change the image and feeling of Barranca and start the change that will continue for time to come. Elder Mura took us to our area for lunch and to eat with a few members.
To get to our area you leave the pure city part and follow a large road that is basically surrounded by a flat jungle area to our part of the city. Our area is gigantic. We spent some time looking for a few members. We were going to meet with the Branch Pres and his counselor that night so we went to the church but the Pres never showed up so we just talked to the counselor. He is a convert of 2 years; they are working on going to the temple in December to get sealed. You can tell he wants to do things but he just doesn’t know how and the attitude here is very negative, so we just tried to get him excited and told him we were going to work hard and help him in everything we could. Then we did contacts etc and got home dead tired. Tons of walking.
Sunday we were there at the Church House bright and early. It really is tiny, it is a 2 story house that the church rents and has a plaque on the outside with the church logo. The sacrament hall is tiny, it holds about 70 people if crammed tight. The pulpit is up front on the right side and there are a few normal chairs up front and a table for the sacrament. 53 people came which is more than they usually have but I can already see there is a lot to do. There are just lots of little things they don’t know like they gave the sacrament first to the priests, they did the announcements at the end, people don’t talk into the microphone so you can hardly hear and most of the people in the congregation are talking or looking around during the service. We asked for a minute to present ourselves and tell everyone how happy we were to be here and work with them etc. The Branch President couldn’t come because of work so we still don’t know him. My comp used to be the ward’s secretary at his home, so afterwards he helped teach the counselor how to run the church computer program etc. and then we had lunch at his house.
We spent the day Sunday getting to know the area, contacting, looking for members and investigators. Today for Pday we went to some members home from the other branch and cooked some brownies that Elder Williams had and hung out there for a little while and then went to the store to buy food etc.
What we have here is a very unique situation. My entire mission I have had pretty solid wards but here it’s going to require a lot of help on our part to improve this little branch. There are 4 active holders of the Melchizedek priesthood and 7 in total that are somewhat active plus one active sealed, complete family. Haha but we have tons of ideas and we have been completely working and will work like crazy. I am very, very tired.
The weather has been around 93 to 97 during the days and in the high 70s at night. The humidity is incredible and although we sweat a TON I can feel myself getting used to it and it’s really not as bad as they say. I have been trying to show my comp all the things that need to be done and how. We plan well every night and actualize the area book and are planning how to work with the members, strengthen the branch and get new converts. My comp, being new, doesn’t know all the lessons yet, so I do most of the talking but he is learning more everyday and I make sure he participates and practices. So I get to help with training my companion, starting from scratch with investigators and working to help this branch. We already have the whole week loaded with plans etc because there is so much to do. Our only problem is that we don’t have enough time.
But I see lots of potential in this little branch. There are big families we can bring back, leaders we can help strengthen and the people are receptive. We already have a few potential investigators. Haha I really am beat but we are going to continue working hard and I know the Lord will bless us with results. I have so much I could say but so little time. I think I have always been a hard worker in the mish, but this is the hardest I have ever worked and I am confident we can see things change here. Well out of time.
As far as Christmas packages etc. you don’t need to worry about it, whatever you decide to send I will love but if not it’s not a problem at all. Ha it’s going to be an interesting 100 degree, humid Christmas.
I really can feel an increased level of the spirit here. Getting to the apartment at night with sore legs and dead tired and thirsty but knowing you’ve given your best really is such a rewarding feeling. Hopefully we can get this area figured out so we can spend more time in lessons with investigators. I know we’re doing the Lords work and it’s going to be worth it in the end. I love you tons, thanks for everything, you’re in my prayers. Elder Barnard
Last week we stayed around Bogotá until Thursday to help with the transfers because a big group was going home and a lot of work to do. Elder Zari and I were there helping with that. Elder Jimenez (a Zone Leader from Argentina) also stayed in his zone until Thursday to help show the new missionaries the area and my comp worked a few days in Bogotá so the 4 of us could go up together.
Everyone here in Barranca was changed except Elder Williams so we are all new here. We received the new missionaries at the office on Tuesday so I got to meet my son but I didn’t say anything to him about being his comp or anything.
We helped take trunkies to the airport so I got to say gbye to all of them and got to see Elder Corro off so it was cool. Thursday morning we got up early, met up at the office and headed to the Bus Terminal to catch a 9AM bus for Barranca. It was so sad to say goodbye to our converts and everyone after all the time I was there. It was definitely a cool experience and lots of memories and lessons learned but it was time to move on to another challenge.
My companion is named Elder Ravanales from Santiago Chile. His parents are converts so he has been a member all his life. He has a good heart and a good attitude. I think the whole week he heard everyone talk about how bad Barranca is etc. but I told him how excited I was to go there and how we were going to change things etc, and he was very excited and motivated. We got here at about 8:00 P.M. and Elder Williams and Mura were there with some young men to welcome us and get everything to the house in a few taxis. We were sure happy to see them. You could just feel the humidity right as we got off the bus and the heat, even at night. We got everything hauled up the stairs (4th floor apartment) and finished sweating like crazy. Then some members invited us to eat some pizza and talk for a while etc. Our house is a little outside the area to the south part of the city. We didn’t sleep well, (gotta get a little more used to the climate) all I put on my bed is the bottom sheet. We sleep with a fan on.
We got up, hit the park across the street for exercise and started our first day. It’s Elder Williams first time as DL so he is excited and working really hard. We had a mini district meeting and just talked about how we are going to change the image and feeling of Barranca and start the change that will continue for time to come. Elder Mura took us to our area for lunch and to eat with a few members.
To get to our area you leave the pure city part and follow a large road that is basically surrounded by a flat jungle area to our part of the city. Our area is gigantic. We spent some time looking for a few members. We were going to meet with the Branch Pres and his counselor that night so we went to the church but the Pres never showed up so we just talked to the counselor. He is a convert of 2 years; they are working on going to the temple in December to get sealed. You can tell he wants to do things but he just doesn’t know how and the attitude here is very negative, so we just tried to get him excited and told him we were going to work hard and help him in everything we could. Then we did contacts etc and got home dead tired. Tons of walking.
Sunday we were there at the Church House bright and early. It really is tiny, it is a 2 story house that the church rents and has a plaque on the outside with the church logo. The sacrament hall is tiny, it holds about 70 people if crammed tight. The pulpit is up front on the right side and there are a few normal chairs up front and a table for the sacrament. 53 people came which is more than they usually have but I can already see there is a lot to do. There are just lots of little things they don’t know like they gave the sacrament first to the priests, they did the announcements at the end, people don’t talk into the microphone so you can hardly hear and most of the people in the congregation are talking or looking around during the service. We asked for a minute to present ourselves and tell everyone how happy we were to be here and work with them etc. The Branch President couldn’t come because of work so we still don’t know him. My comp used to be the ward’s secretary at his home, so afterwards he helped teach the counselor how to run the church computer program etc. and then we had lunch at his house.
We spent the day Sunday getting to know the area, contacting, looking for members and investigators. Today for Pday we went to some members home from the other branch and cooked some brownies that Elder Williams had and hung out there for a little while and then went to the store to buy food etc.
What we have here is a very unique situation. My entire mission I have had pretty solid wards but here it’s going to require a lot of help on our part to improve this little branch. There are 4 active holders of the Melchizedek priesthood and 7 in total that are somewhat active plus one active sealed, complete family. Haha but we have tons of ideas and we have been completely working and will work like crazy. I am very, very tired.
The weather has been around 93 to 97 during the days and in the high 70s at night. The humidity is incredible and although we sweat a TON I can feel myself getting used to it and it’s really not as bad as they say. I have been trying to show my comp all the things that need to be done and how. We plan well every night and actualize the area book and are planning how to work with the members, strengthen the branch and get new converts. My comp, being new, doesn’t know all the lessons yet, so I do most of the talking but he is learning more everyday and I make sure he participates and practices. So I get to help with training my companion, starting from scratch with investigators and working to help this branch. We already have the whole week loaded with plans etc because there is so much to do. Our only problem is that we don’t have enough time.
But I see lots of potential in this little branch. There are big families we can bring back, leaders we can help strengthen and the people are receptive. We already have a few potential investigators. Haha I really am beat but we are going to continue working hard and I know the Lord will bless us with results. I have so much I could say but so little time. I think I have always been a hard worker in the mish, but this is the hardest I have ever worked and I am confident we can see things change here. Well out of time.
As far as Christmas packages etc. you don’t need to worry about it, whatever you decide to send I will love but if not it’s not a problem at all. Ha it’s going to be an interesting 100 degree, humid Christmas.
I really can feel an increased level of the spirit here. Getting to the apartment at night with sore legs and dead tired and thirsty but knowing you’ve given your best really is such a rewarding feeling. Hopefully we can get this area figured out so we can spend more time in lessons with investigators. I know we’re doing the Lords work and it’s going to be worth it in the end. I love you tons, thanks for everything, you’re in my prayers. Elder Barnard
Sunday, November 15, 2009
November 2, 2009
Hola Familia!
Well it’s been another good week here in the mish. We finished up the last week of yet another transfer. We spent a lot of time in the office getting ready for the transfers etc but we did get to spend some time working in the area and we recently found an awesome investigator. His name is Ricardo and he is a single student at the university here and works in construction. He is 23 years old and has gained a strong testimony way fast. He, by himself, asked us if he could be baptized, came to church in a suit on Sunday and says if it’s possible he would love to serve a mission. The reason it’s so cool is because the church really needs future priesthood leaders and they are very hard to find. A future missionary or priesthood leader is a huge boost for the church. We really can tell he is an "Elect". Haha the sad thing is, I will not be here to see his baptism.
Last Monday after writing, we had our weekly meeting. President asked to talk to me for a minute. The church now recommends that each mission only keep an Elder for about 6 months as an AP. That way most of their mission can be spent proselyting. He told me that I was being released, which I have known for awhile would be happening. He told me how grateful he was and said I had done a great job as Assistant. He said Elder Corro and I were his "Dads". He also said that it was a much higher responsibility level because we got to organize and help show him, as a new Mission President, how certain things were done as he got used to it. He also said that as a very young AP, it was very difficult but that I really "stepped up to the plate" and did a great job and that it was time to go back into the field full time. It really has been quite an experience to be the AP. I remember when President Camargo told me. I was completely shocked and scared and I got to see a lot of personal progress as I grew and got used to it and gained confidence. Haha now that I feel like I have finally figured out good ways to do things I am getting shipped out. I think most stuff usually works like that. I learned even more that if the Lord asks you to do something, no matter how incapable you may feel, he provides the way. Getting to know and work personally with 2 great Mission Presidents has been a huge blessing, just being around and talking with them I have learned soooo many things. I have been given so many blessings and opportunities. They have helped me to humble myself and improve. I worked really hard and did my best so in the end I feel very happy with the effort I gave. The new AP is a really great South American Elder from Chile.
Anyway back to the story, President Hacking told me he wanted me to train a new missionary and he was going to put me in the area that needed the most help in the mission – BARRANCA!!! Haha I think I already explained Barrancas history. It is very, very, very, very, hot and humid, I mean it feels like you’re in a sauna. Over the years it came to be thought of as the Siberia of the mission or the Punishment area for missionaries. This made it lose almost all productivity. It has about 185,000 people and a district with 3 little branches. It is the Colombian home of petroleum so it is a very key place for the economy and has a gigantic refinery. Because of that in years past it was a target for the FARC but with the new President Uribe the guerilla has been almost eliminated and such emphasis has been put on Barranca that it is now a safe city. Honestly, ever since I went there for a few days to help out as an AP, I have felt so strongly inside that I would love to be transferred there and see what I could do but I never said anything to Pres, so when he told me, I was amazed and way excited. I know it is where I am supposed to be.
I will train a missionary from Chile named Elder Ravanales. His whole family are members of the church and from his papers he sounds like a great guy - we are ready to work miracles! It’s the second time that I will train in a new area but last time I was new and clueless and now I have 6 months of ideas and experience with mission presidents built up so I am pumped to get out and get to work and try to teach my son everything I can. We will be going to the Pinos Branch, of the three in Barranca it is the weakest. They have a House Chapel. I have heard the Branch President attends about half the time because of work and all the other problems a tiny isolated branch may have... I am way excited to get there and see what we can do. A few weeks ago Elder Williams was sent there. It’s amazing - he was the first American missionary in about 17 years to go there so I will be the second :) President is sending in very strong, obedient missionaries. Elder Williams is the new District Leader and he is amazing. Another one is Elder Zari who was the Financial Secretary and a way hard worker, one named Elder Mura (also a very hard worker) and me and my new son. I have loved being Assistant but I’m ready to leave the high life of airplanes, high rise offices and restaurants and get back on the front lines haha. Now it will be the life of rice every day for lunch, a struggling branch and 90++ degree heat and 90% humidity.
I am "stoked" as we say to get there and get to work side by side with my second son. It will probably be very difficult, it’s about as difficult of an assignment as there is in this mission but I think the 6 of us, with the Lord’s help, are going to make miracles happen and change the whole perspective of Barranca. My dream is to be sitting at home a few years down the line and see the news of the new Barrancabermeja Colombia Stake. It’s a long long ways away from happening but we hope to help start the process. Elder Zari and I will not go until Thursday or Friday so that we can help finish the transfers and then we will be off. Don’t worry it is safe. President Hacking wouldn’t send us there if it wasn’t, and as long as we are doing his work the Lord will look out for us.
Well I'm about out of time, it’s a huge blessing to have such a great family, thanks for all you do. You will all be in my prayers, thanks for everything, I’ll be writing you from Barranca next time! Chao, Elder Barnard
Well it’s been another good week here in the mish. We finished up the last week of yet another transfer. We spent a lot of time in the office getting ready for the transfers etc but we did get to spend some time working in the area and we recently found an awesome investigator. His name is Ricardo and he is a single student at the university here and works in construction. He is 23 years old and has gained a strong testimony way fast. He, by himself, asked us if he could be baptized, came to church in a suit on Sunday and says if it’s possible he would love to serve a mission. The reason it’s so cool is because the church really needs future priesthood leaders and they are very hard to find. A future missionary or priesthood leader is a huge boost for the church. We really can tell he is an "Elect". Haha the sad thing is, I will not be here to see his baptism.
Last Monday after writing, we had our weekly meeting. President asked to talk to me for a minute. The church now recommends that each mission only keep an Elder for about 6 months as an AP. That way most of their mission can be spent proselyting. He told me that I was being released, which I have known for awhile would be happening. He told me how grateful he was and said I had done a great job as Assistant. He said Elder Corro and I were his "Dads". He also said that it was a much higher responsibility level because we got to organize and help show him, as a new Mission President, how certain things were done as he got used to it. He also said that as a very young AP, it was very difficult but that I really "stepped up to the plate" and did a great job and that it was time to go back into the field full time. It really has been quite an experience to be the AP. I remember when President Camargo told me. I was completely shocked and scared and I got to see a lot of personal progress as I grew and got used to it and gained confidence. Haha now that I feel like I have finally figured out good ways to do things I am getting shipped out. I think most stuff usually works like that. I learned even more that if the Lord asks you to do something, no matter how incapable you may feel, he provides the way. Getting to know and work personally with 2 great Mission Presidents has been a huge blessing, just being around and talking with them I have learned soooo many things. I have been given so many blessings and opportunities. They have helped me to humble myself and improve. I worked really hard and did my best so in the end I feel very happy with the effort I gave. The new AP is a really great South American Elder from Chile.
Anyway back to the story, President Hacking told me he wanted me to train a new missionary and he was going to put me in the area that needed the most help in the mission – BARRANCA!!! Haha I think I already explained Barrancas history. It is very, very, very, very, hot and humid, I mean it feels like you’re in a sauna. Over the years it came to be thought of as the Siberia of the mission or the Punishment area for missionaries. This made it lose almost all productivity. It has about 185,000 people and a district with 3 little branches. It is the Colombian home of petroleum so it is a very key place for the economy and has a gigantic refinery. Because of that in years past it was a target for the FARC but with the new President Uribe the guerilla has been almost eliminated and such emphasis has been put on Barranca that it is now a safe city. Honestly, ever since I went there for a few days to help out as an AP, I have felt so strongly inside that I would love to be transferred there and see what I could do but I never said anything to Pres, so when he told me, I was amazed and way excited. I know it is where I am supposed to be.
I will train a missionary from Chile named Elder Ravanales. His whole family are members of the church and from his papers he sounds like a great guy - we are ready to work miracles! It’s the second time that I will train in a new area but last time I was new and clueless and now I have 6 months of ideas and experience with mission presidents built up so I am pumped to get out and get to work and try to teach my son everything I can. We will be going to the Pinos Branch, of the three in Barranca it is the weakest. They have a House Chapel. I have heard the Branch President attends about half the time because of work and all the other problems a tiny isolated branch may have... I am way excited to get there and see what we can do. A few weeks ago Elder Williams was sent there. It’s amazing - he was the first American missionary in about 17 years to go there so I will be the second :) President is sending in very strong, obedient missionaries. Elder Williams is the new District Leader and he is amazing. Another one is Elder Zari who was the Financial Secretary and a way hard worker, one named Elder Mura (also a very hard worker) and me and my new son. I have loved being Assistant but I’m ready to leave the high life of airplanes, high rise offices and restaurants and get back on the front lines haha. Now it will be the life of rice every day for lunch, a struggling branch and 90++ degree heat and 90% humidity.
I am "stoked" as we say to get there and get to work side by side with my second son. It will probably be very difficult, it’s about as difficult of an assignment as there is in this mission but I think the 6 of us, with the Lord’s help, are going to make miracles happen and change the whole perspective of Barranca. My dream is to be sitting at home a few years down the line and see the news of the new Barrancabermeja Colombia Stake. It’s a long long ways away from happening but we hope to help start the process. Elder Zari and I will not go until Thursday or Friday so that we can help finish the transfers and then we will be off. Don’t worry it is safe. President Hacking wouldn’t send us there if it wasn’t, and as long as we are doing his work the Lord will look out for us.
Well I'm about out of time, it’s a huge blessing to have such a great family, thanks for all you do. You will all be in my prayers, thanks for everything, I’ll be writing you from Barranca next time! Chao, Elder Barnard
Monday, November 2, 2009
Out of town
I probably won't be able to post Will's letter for the next week or so because I'm heading out of town. As soon as I return, I'll get them on the blog.
I probably won't be able to post Will's letter for the next week or so because I'm heading out of town. As soon as I return, I'll get them on the blog.
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